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Writer's pictureiris

normal is a myth pt. I


The sun was shining it was a beautiful day and screech brian woke up and looked at the clock and groaned “ugh I'm late” he sluggishly got up and walked to the closet he threw on some old clothes and went to the kitchen he ate an apple then left. By the time he got outside he saw the moving truck and started helping the neighbors unpack he carried the boxes inside their house and set them down “are you guys gonna help at all?” he paused as he went to get another box from the truck, he set that one next to the last. “after all this is your stuff” brian finally finished putting all the boxes inside when a female came over “me and my husband are gonna go do.......stuff you can finish on your own right?” she left before brian could answer. He sat down to rest when one of the opened boxes caught his attention, he looked around to make sure he was alone before looking inside the box. Brian knew this was wrong but he couldn’t help it his curiosity always got the best of him and before he knew it he was reading his friends diary, it wasn’t really interesting but it was better than nothing so he continued reading until one page in particular gave him goosebumps.

Chapter I

The sixth entry

Entry six 2/2/2003

Today me and ava had a child, and he was terrifying!

He had olive bumpy skin and round emerald green eyes. I couldn’t stand to look at him and then his mother must work the nightshift, so she leaves me with this demonic child, NO I won't take it anymore.... I just can't.

It was about one AM when I heard it crying so I went to check on it and it was writing his name on the wall... or at least what I'm guessing was his name. Riley, he wrote over and over, I don’t remember ever naming him that nor does me and ava know anyone by that name. I was scared and did the only logical thing I could think of. I got rid of this Thing. that night I did something I’ll never forget and something I hope ava does soon forget as what I did was unforgivable or at least ava said before she left me. All I did that night was-

Chapter II


“what do you think you're doing?” brian shoved the book back into the box and turned around to see his girlfriend okammi “oh uh just helping them move in” he responded while still thinking about what he just read. “yes, well hurry because hero is throwing a party and we are invited” brian’s eyes widened and he ran home to change. He put on a black suit and grabbed a blue cornflower “your fancy” he looked at okammi as she was just adding strawberries to the sakura cake “thanks” brian said as he studied how her light brown hair fell perfectly on her shoulders and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled complemented by her fair skin and small freckles. “what's the cake for?” he asked as he snapped out of his trance. “oh, today is gold’s birthday so I was gonna drop this off and then meet you at hero’s place” she replied. Brian nodded before making his way to hero’s place, he knocked, and the door opened to be greeted by his best friend hero, he had lime green hair and eyes, he was one of a kind. He gave hero the flower and hero put it on the counter for now, the night went by fast and okammi arrived a bit after and they all had a great night they, danced, talked and drank like a typical high school party.... well except for the fact they were in middle school. The next morning, they woke up to screaming brian immediately got up and followed the sound, it was coming from the basement. Again, brian was curious and followed the cursed noise, to his surprise no one was there but what he did see was a mirror he looked in it to be face to face with himself. What he saw was his messy purple hair and tan skin, his black eyes had bags under them. When he saw that he lost interest in the mirror and went to the stairs, on the third one he saw a note and picked it up. ‘go behind the bank and you shall find your prize’

Brian followed the notes instructions and behind the bank he found none other than hero’s grave, brian payed his respects then swore vengeance on whoever did this.

A few months later he moved away to japan hoping to start a new life and so he did for a while. But brian soon learned there is nothing normal about life.

Chapter III

A new life

2 years had passed since hero’s death and now brian was living in Tokyo, japan. Okammi left him as she believed he was responsible for hero’s death, she said people do weird and harsh things when they are drunk. He didn’t care at this point because he had a new girlfriend named shadow, she had long black hair pulled back into a braid that went down to her lower back and purple eyes and creamy white skin to top it off. They were together for the 2 years brian had lived in Tokyo and now they had a child, brian named him after his deceased friend, hero.

“konnichiwa” a girl came out of nowhere and greeted them “I'm Alice I live in the house over there and I'm gonna be your neighbor and classmate” the peppy girl said excitedly. “hi Alice, I'm shadow and this is brian” the two girls started chatting Alice looked like one of those happy go lucky people she had a dink dress and hair bow. She looked nice though with her chestnut brown hair pulled neatly back into a pink bow and some of her hair braided into a crown upon the top of her head “nice to meet you Alice but I'm afraid I have to go I have a job interview but please stop by our house anytime” brian smiled warmly at her before heading to his soon to be job.

“hi I'm brian I'm here for the job inte-” “are you dead inside?” brian was confused “excuse me” he asked “i asked if your dead inside” the man repeated “sorry I'm not sure” brian answered “yes well you just sold your soul please sign here” he held out a paper on a clipboard then gave brian a pen “and here” he flipped the page.

“congratulations you just signed your life away” the man took a sip of his coffee then left. Brian just shrugged and went behind the counter “it was this or Starbucks” he told himself as he started stalking the shelves with food and school supplies “daddy” brian turned around to see his son “hey bud you need something?” he nodded and pointed to the backpacks. “I'll go get you one from storage what color do you want?” he asked with a kind smile “shiroi” hero said which was Japanese for white. Brian went to the back to find him a backpack meanwhile hero looked around and found a gun he put it in his coat pocket before brian came back “here” he gave hero the backpack “best be off before your late” he gave his son 250$ or as they say in japan yen.

Chapter IV

The fight

It was hero’s first day of school and he already signed up for a club


名前: ヒーロー ポジション: セッター

名前: ポジション:

Page Break

名前: ポジション:

名前: ポジション:

名前: ポジション:

名前: ポジション:

In English the roster says boys volleyball then it asks for name and position hero wrote down his name and position for setter. “hey nerd I'm dan” hero looked at the boy he looked about 5”5 he had black hair and eyes, he was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and grey shoes.

“I'm hero and how can I be a nerd if I suck at like.......” he takes a moment to think “all my subjects” he finished.

Dan laughed “your funny I like you” dan took out a pencil and went to the roster

名前: 段 ポジション: ミドルブロッカー

Which translate to name: dan position: middle blocker

Dan smiled at hero then left “see ya around new kid”

At lunch hero sat next to dan and dan’s friend chris they skipped the pleasentries and got to the point “you both are my friend therefore you both are friends as well” dan told them “way to cut to the chase losers” they looked over to see a tall blonde male with emerald green eyes he has a black turtle neck and snake skin pants “the names riley you must be the new kid” he grinned. Riley went in to punch hero he kicked the weak part of his leg and did a hook to the face and in response he got an uneasy smile from hero. Hero took out his gun and shot riley’s shoulder.

Chapter V


“hero how could you!” brian took away the gun and threw it out “i told you to fight with your fists not your gun..... WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?” hero paused “sorry it wont happen again i just really miss mum”he said meekly “.......i do too” brian hugged hero “but your still grounded” “i know” “also your gonna have to speak to the police” hero looked scared and brian could see the fear in his eyes. The next morning was chaos, hero didn’t wanna go to school, shadow was moving in and brian had to work 2 jobs. Recently he was asked by the school to teach engish as to keep an eye on hero.

-To be continued-

By: iris

authors note- I wrote this story 2 years ago and recently rediscovered this so my writing style for this was a bit different but pt. II will be current style.

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